Spring is Sprung!

18 Mar

578236_596731690354524_1544349387_nSpring is upon us and it’s time to come out of hibernation. Things have been rather hectic for your Pampered Chef consultant. An Open University course, my oldest child starting nursery, my teacher husband trying to get prelims passed… The winter flew past quicker than ever.

St. Patrick’s Day was yesterday. Did you celebrate? Were there any Irish-themed recipes in your home? I’m afraid I just made spag bol, which cannot possibly be turned Irish, really!

Next up, we have the Easter holidays. School stops on Thursday 28th March – so early! – and I’m hosting a Pampered Chef Open Night that evening, with new recipes being tested, the Spring/Summer ’13 catalogue out for all to see and the new products being demonstrated on the night. If you’re interested in coming along (it’s in Dalry, North Ayrshire), please drop me an email to feeyona@me.com


I’ll then be taking a break after Easter, popping over to Ireland to enjoy some family time and exploring the central belt of Scotland. The schools return on 15th April and your Pampered Chef gets back to work. Friday 19th April sees my first show of the Summer Term, which I’m already looking forward to!

I’ve got some fabulous new recipes to try out and they’re perfect for lighter nights and warmer days. If you’re interested in Hosting a Show and want to find out more, feel free to get in touch with any questions.

And I’m always thinking about Fundraising. Last October I raised £75 for Cancer Research UK through our Help Whip Cancer campaign and this year I’m hoping to break £100. All through the year, I do Fundraiser Shows for various charities (about 1 third of my shows are for charity) and in 2012 my fundraiser shows made over £300 for good causes. If you know an organisation looking for a little extra help, please pass on their details and I’ll get in touch with all the information they need.

As always, stay in touch on my Facebook or Twitter pages and keep sending me your ideas of how you use your Pampered Chef products and any foody questions you have.

Keeeeeep cooking! 😉


Fiona Gibson
Independent Pampered Chef Consultant
E: feeyona@me.com
M: 07545093195
W: http://www.pamperedchef.biz/fionagibson

“Like” me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FionaGibsonPamperedChef

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/FionaGibsonPC

New Products Blog – Autumn/Winter 2012

29 Jul

Hurray! I got back from Conference one week ago today and I have finally managed to get around to writing a blog about the new A/W12 catproducts! The catalogue will launch on 1st September 2012 and it will be the first ever Pampered Chef UK catalogue to be entirely produced in the UK. Rather nifty looking, isn’t it?

Firstly, we must take a moment to mourn the loss of a handful of products from the catalogue. Thankfully, there weren’t too many products discontinued this time out, but they are my favourite items. The coloured Dotty Glasses (below). The wine goblets, martini glasses, large beverage glasses and small bev. glasses will all discontinue on 31st August. The martini glasses will not return.

Dotty WineHowever, the rest will be replaced by a frosted version, which will be elegant and fresh in any kitchen! So all is not lost. These will also be accompanied by our new Simple Additions range, a beautiful white porcelain range incorporating serving dishes and dining sets. Strongly made, they are also very light and fine to hold, so although they are heavy duty, they’ll feel elegant and delicate.

The next colour update is the Stoneware range. The beautiful cranberry glaze is staying, but we’re also adding a fabby Taupe colour which really will go with anything on your table or in the kitchen. The new coloured glazed stones are: the Mini Baker, the Rectangular Baker, the ever-popular Deep Covered Baker and the Square Baker. This is for one season only, so if you’re not a fan of the cranberry (tut!) or you just prefer one of each, grab them before they’re gone!

Also in Stoneware, we’ve added the Round Covered Baker, a smaller version of the Deep Covered Baker, to accommodate smaller family sizes. I’m sure this will be a really popular product as there are sooooooo many things you can do with it! More about that in another blog?

Sticking with miniatures of existing items, we’ve added: Small Flexible Cutting Mats, Mini Professional Shears, Mini Tart Pans (see front of new catalogue), Mini Pie Pans and a Brownie Pan. These are perfect for baking in smaller quantities or with “little people”.glass cleaning brush

Some odd looking but fabulous new additions to our catalogue include the Glass Cleaning Brush (pictured) for removing lip marks around glass rims, the Nylon Panini Spatula and the Multi Scraper.

Last year’s Christmas dotty plates will make a return in the special Christmas Mini Catalogue and will only be available until Christmas.

And FINALLY, I am beside myself with excitement at being able to announce the return of THE ICE CREAM SCOOP! Hurray! Whoop whoop! The famous Pampered Chef Ice Cream Scoop returns with a new design and will be available along with all of these new products from the 1st of September.

I’ll be looking to launch the new catalogue at a series of VIP shows in early September. If you’d like to host one of these and be one of the first to get some new items FREE, contact me via my website at http://www.pamperedchef.biz/fionagibson or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/fionagibsonpamperedchef

round covered baker

Cakes, Bakes and Fakes

29 Jun

Okay, so the last few weeks have been pretty hectic and I realise I’ve been a bit quiet. But it was all fodder for the blog, honest! During the blog hiatus I made real cupcakes for the first time ever (see pic); I also worked on my stoneware oven-baked recipes; and I cheated a few times.Cupcake

It’s so tempting when things are difficult to beat yourself up for not having time to make dinner for the family. But the truth is that so long as the family is eating together, the odd cheat is perfectly okay… It’s also okay if the family don’t all eat together, but that’s a slippery slope in this house – there are 6 of us, that’s a lot of separate meals to organise!

So, for us, cheating consists of either making things in bulk and freezing, which is far to organised for me and usually gets left to my mother! Or doing the absolute bare minimum. I recently took a packet of pre-diced chicken breasts, cut the packet open and threw them in my Pampered Chef square baker, poured a jar of unbranded sweet & sour sauce over and put it in the oven for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I added rice and (cool) water to the Rice Cooker Plus and microwaved it for 15 minutes. While it was all cooking, I was bathing the boys and getting them ready for bed. By the time hubby took them away to bed, dinner was ready to serve and he came out of the room to his dinner – perfect timing! The following night I made up for it by making a gorgeous chicken pasta sauce from scratch with a lovely barbecue tang, delicious.

That’s the joy of cooking for me – if you want to put in effort you can produce a meal to be proud of, but if you don’t slave for hours, you can still have a lovely meal and spend precious time with the family… Although, don’t tell anyone, sometimes I’m glad of the excuse to head to the kitchen, shut the door and turn up the radio 😉

Tea, Dinner, Supper… When’s best for a busy family?

1 Jun

Dinnertime in our house has never been set in stone, but it’s always been mid-evening-ish. Sometimes it’s 6:30pm… Sometimes it creeps past 9pm! But on average, between 7-8pm you can find someone in this house eating!

So, what to do when the two smallest members of the household seem to start controlling dinnertime? They need dinner nice and early, around 5pm. Far too early for adults to eat, given that two of them don’t get home until 5:30!

So, have dinner at normal time, you say? Yes, well, then there are two unentertained tiny toddlers floating around. Someone usually gets cold dinner!

Wait until they go to bed? Another fine idea, good reader, but what happens when they start staying up later… 9:30pm dinner doesn’t sit well EVERY evening.

What tends to happen is a muddle of everything. One night, it’s 9:30pm; next, it’s 5:30pm. Then we find middle ground for one night! And on it goes…

As I type, it’s 8:15pm on a Friday. One small person is in bed, gurgling away to his Daddy. The slightly bigger small person is watching Mickey Mouse in Spanish on the iPad while pretending to drink his bottle. Dinner remains in the fridge. A solution must be found.



Cook in the Bag – It’s not my “bag”

29 May

So I was stunned, horrified even, when my mother presented me with a “Cook In The Bag” ham recently. Doesn’t she know that I cook ham in my Pampered Chef Stoneware Square Baker and it’s perfect every time????

I’m afraid I’m might be missing a trick here, but I can’t understand the appeal of the in-bag cooking frenzy. I guess the idea is to keep in the moisture. Well, Stoneware keeps all meats moist on the inside and crispy on the outside, so why look any further? But even if you aren’t a Stone aficionado, surely tinfoil isn’t such a terrible concept that you’d want to avoid it in favour of a pre-bagged gammon joint?

I’m probably way off trend here and just being a Stoneware Stick-in-the-Mud but it’s just not my “bag.” So Mum, please, spare my tears and next time, let me bring home the bacon!

The first experiment

25 May

Okay so here it is… The first proper attempt.


There have been several experiments in the kitchen over the years and the frequency has increased since I decided to set up my own business. Although the business is really retail, it’s based around cooking and my real passion is home cooking, family meals and healthy kids.


There’s nothing wrong with fish fingers or chicken nuggets, for the adults or the kids, and I certainly haven’t stopped feeding them to my boys! But there can be a balance found between fun and nutritious.


Where possible, our boys eat with us – always for breakfast and lunch and sometimes for dinner. With 3 adults returning home any time between 4pm and 7pm, it’s not always possible for everyone to eat when the kids get hungry, between 4:30pm and 5:30pm!


Mid-week dinners, therefore, tend to be more “chuck and bung” – Chuck something from the freezer onto a piece of Pampered Chef stoneware and Bung into the oven for 20 minutes. The consultant who introduced me to the Pampered Chef also introduced me to the idea of a “jarra dish” – Pampered Chef stone with sides, breast of chicken per person, “jarra” (jar of) sauce! Chicken with a “jarra” korma, or a “jarra” sweet & sour.


However, my favourite mid-week quickie now is a dish I always shied away from before: risotto. It always took so much time – fry the rice, stiry, add the onions, fry again, stir, add the water, stir, boil, stir, add the veg, stir, add the stock, stir, simmer, stir, simmer. Before you know it you’ve been stood at the cooker for 45 minutes and missed all the chat in the other room! I know some people enjoy the process of cooking and I do, too, but when you have a family nipping at your heels or even just people you want to spend time with, it’s nice to be able to “chuck & bung.”


So I’ve been experimenting with “no-babysitting” risotto! It’s been pretty trial and error and my lovely family has had to swallow down a few stodgy risottos before I got it right, but this was accomplished two weeks ago.


Start by measuring out the risotto for however many you’re feeding… The packet usually advises 75g per person, but to be honest, I don’t know who they’re feeding but it’s certainly not my family! Maybe my kids, but not the adults anyway. We are all hale and hearty eaters and probably 110g to 125g is more like a good portion for us – assuming we’re having the risotto on its own! If 75g doesn’t go round everyone for you either, try being prepared with some “tear & share” bread to casually chuck onto each plate before serving, so it bulks it out more.


The next part is the “work” – chop your ingredients. If you want something with a bit of meaty chew, chop up some pre-cooked chicken. If you prefer veggie, chop up a handful of what you like. I almost always have as a bare minimum: onions, peppers, fresh garlic, fresh herbs. For a really bulky veggie version, use LOADS of mushrooms, chopped as fine or chunky as you prefer. I’ve seen me adding tomatoes, courgettes, spring onions, even celery.


Once everything is chopped, you put it all into your dish – I use my Pampered Chef square baker (cranberry glazed for me) for the four adults in our house, but it’s totally filled with this, so any more generous portions or any extra people, I’d upgrade myself to the rectangular baker (unglazed).


Mix it all up and add tinned tomatoes (one tin usually does our four, but this is when there’s loads of veg in it) and some cream (I use Weight Watchers as it’s extremely low fat and low-cal). Finally, add a stock cube (chicken usually, but veg stock if I’m feeding my veggie friend) and boiling water. I add the boiling water slowly so I can “push” all the ingredients down into it – you want the water to cover everything comfortably. Stir it once and push down again.


Bung into a pre-heated oven at 180 celsius for 30 minutes. At 30 minutes, I usually remove it from the oven, give it a stir and decide if it needs anything else. Seasoning is completely to taste, but this is usually the stage at which I would add a TINY amount of salt or pepper. If it needs more water, cream or tinned tomatoes, I pop it back in for 10 minutes. If it’s ready… Enjoy!


Note re. ingredients: everything is YOUR choice. The ingredients listed are what’s usually found in my fridge drawer. If you want to use lazy herbs, go for it. If you want to remove the garlic, fine. The onions are really the only veg which I’ve NEVER done without when making risotto because so much of the texture and richness of flavour comes from them and is absorbed into them. If you want to try a different meat, go for it!!!! The preparation of ingredients shouldn’t be a chore or take too long. I usually allow 10-15 minutes from opening the kitchen door to start dinner to closing it again with the dish in the oven. Any longer than that is a waste of precious family time for me!


Just remember: let me know how it works it for you! You don’t need to become a total anorak like me, taking photos of every stage of preparation, but if you can send me a pic of the finished dish, that would be lovely.

Hello world!

11 May

Hello there and welcome to my first ever attempt at joining the blogging world – always ahead of the trends, me(!)

I decided to start a blog to keep everyone up to date with my foody experiments in the kitchen and maybe while I’m out and about I can find inspiration from restaurants and post about them here, too.

If you’re reading this, there’s a fair chance you already know me, either as a friend or as your Pampered Chef Consultant. If you have stumbled upon this blog while looking for something else, I do fear you will be sorely disappointed! However, if you don’t know me, let’s start there….

I am Fiona Gibson, a late-20’s year old with a lovely husband and two gorgeous boys. We’re currently living with my rather fabulous parents while my husband trains to become a teacher and I set up my own business. Then we’re off to look for our “forever house.” In the meantime, we all mosey along trying not to get in one another’s road while my mum and I attempt to healthily feed 6 appetites!

I started my Pampered Chef business last July, after meeting a lovely consultant at my first ever experience of a Pampered Chef show. I realised just how easily I could be a stay at home mum and still have a bit of fun while earning a nice wage. The job suits all kinds of people, from full-time workers looking for a bit of a weekend escape, to retirees looking to top up their pensions.

I’ve always been a keen cook, even if I have moments where I can be bothered – who hasn’t? I love tweaking recipes and trying new ingredients for sauces! This blog will try to summarise my attempts while hopefully infusing a bit of my enthusiasm onto the page so you will go away inspired (and hungry!)

If you do have any questions for me, I’ll do my best to answer them. I don’t claim to know all the answers, so if you see something that you can do better than me, please feel free to share.